Undergraduate Electives

The University of South Australia encourages graduates to acquire broad concepts, knowledge and skills beyond those gained through their specialist professional study. This is achieved through the requirement that all students complete at least one elective as part of their undergraduate degree of study.

The links below provide lists of courses which have been recommended as suitable electives by the area offering them. Further details on each course are available on the individual course homepage.

These electives are not available for UniSA Online students. Please refer to UniSA Online electives webpage for more information. 

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Electives offered by UniSA Justice & Society

Course code Course title
UniSA Justice & Society
HUMS 1035 Aboriginal Cultures
HUMS 3056 Aboriginal Nation Building and Governance
HUMS 3057 Aboriginality and Globalisation
WELF 3029 Ageing and Disability: Diversity and Discrimination
LAWS 2039 Ageing and the Law: Elder Law and Policy
POLI 2003 Australia in the Asian Century
LAWS 1026 Australian Consumer Law
LAWS 1018 Business Law
ENVT 1017 Caring for Country
WELF 3015 Case Management
COMM 2060 Communication and Reciprocity
LANG 2021 Communication, Work and Organisations
EDUC 4186 Community Service Learning Project 1
EDUC 4187 Community Service Learning Project 2
BEHL 2022 Connecting and Working with Nature
LAWS 2028 Criminology and Public Policy
POLI 2030 Framing the International: Representations of Global Politics
COML 2003 Fundamentals of Property Law
POLI 1020 Global Politics and Development
POLI 2032 Global Power in the Indo-Pacific Region
POLI 1008 Governance and Citizenship in Australia
BEHL 2009 Group Work
LAWS 3079 Health Law and Ethics
LAWS 3076 Human Rights Law
WELF 1014 Human Service Provision
JUST 2005 Human Service Workers and the Law
LANG 1054 Intercultural Communication
LAWS 2040 International Law and Environmental Justice
SOCU 2022 Justice & Society Study Tour
LANG 1062 Language and Communication in Applied Linguistics
LANG 2022 Language and Identity
LANG 1056 Language in Society
LAWS 1030 Law, Governance and Citizenship
LAWS 3086 Law, Land and Peoples
LAWS 1031 Lawyering and Leadership
WELF 1021 Lifespan Development and Diversity
HUMS 2038 Migration, Diversity and Belonging
BEHL 1003 Psychology 1A
BEHL 1004 Psychology 1B
HUMS 2036 Shadow Nation: Flashpoints in Australian Society and Culture
SOCU 3038 Society and Identity in Crisis
SOCU 1002 Sociological Perspectives
SOCU 2021 Sociology of Crime and Deviance
HUMS 3034 Sociology of Gender and Intimacy
LAWS 2023 Special Topic in Law
LAWS 2029 Sports Law
LAWS 2042 The Law of War
POLI 2031 The Politics of Environmental Change in Australia and Asia
WELF 2024 The Social Construction of Ageing and Disability
SOCU 1003 The Social World
HUMS 1060 Truth, Lies and Being Human
SOCU 2017 Understanding Globalisation
HUMS 3055 United States History and Cultural Identities
SOCU 2018 UO (Dis)abling Societies: The Sociologies of Ageing and Disability
BEHL 1034 UO Aboriginal Australians and Psychology
SOCU 2019 UO Aboriginal Australians, Policing and the Criminal Justice System
BEHL 3034 UO Advanced Research Methods
WELF 2021 UO Ageing and Disability Friendly Environments
POLI 2029 UO Australian Social Policy
BEHL 2017 UO Biological and Learning Psychology
LAWS 1019 UO Business Law
BEHL 2025 UO Career Development
WELF 3024 UO Case Management for Consumer Directed Care in Disability and Aged Care
BEHL 3032 UO Clinical and Abnormal Psychology
BEHL 2018 UO Cognitive Psychology
COML 2020 UO Companies and Partnership Law
BEHL 1028 UO Connecting and Working with Nature
BEHL 3035 UO Conservation Psychology
HUMS 1059 UO Contemporary Aboriginal Issues
JUST 2011 UO Corrections: Offender Rehabilitation and Desistance
BEHL 1026 UO Counselling Concepts
JUST 3009 UO Crime, Gender and Sexuality
JUST 2015 UO Criminal Law in Context
BEHL 2016 UO Developmental Psychology
WELF 3025 UO Disability and Ageing: Diversity and Discrimination
COML 2019 UO Employment Law
JUST 3010 UO Globalised Crime
BEHL 3031 UO Health Psychology
LAWS 2043 UO Human Rights, Crime & Social Justice
WELF 2026 UO Innovation, Creativity and Social Roles in Healthy Ageing
LANG 1064 UO Intercultural Communication
BEHL 2019 UO Introductory Research Methods
JUST 3011 UO Justice in Practice
LANG 2043 UO Language and the Media
BEHL 1029 UO Personal and Professional Development
BEHL 3036 UO Personality Psychology
JUST 2013 UO Policing Investigations and Intelligence
POLI 1019 UO Politics and Citizenship in Australia
BEHL 1030 UO Psychology 1A
BEHL 1031 UO Psychology 1B
BEHL 2026 UO Psychology Applications
BEHL 1027 UO Psychology Concepts
BEHL 2020 UO Social and Community Psychology
JUST 1019 UO Social Problems and the Law
HUMS 2043 UO Social Research Methods
SOCU 1007 UO Sociological Perspectives
HUMS 3053 UO Sociology of Gender and Intimacy
JUST 1018 UO The Criminal Justice System
JUST 3007 UO The Psychology of Crime and Violence
SOCU 1008 UO The Social World
BEHL 1035 UO Understanding Crime and Criminology
JUST 3008 UO Victimology
BEHL 3033 UO Work and Organisational Psychology
WELF 2023 UO Working with Community
JUST 2014 UO Youth Justice
HUMS 1055 World History Trends and Transformations
LAWS 3073 World Trade Law