Start Date

City West

0.5 year(s) full-time


Program Code

Study as
Full-time or part-time

Entry Requirements
TAFE/RTO (Guaranteed): N/A
View full entry requirements


Assumed Knowledge


To provide a pathway for applicants who have experienced educational disadvantage, or who wish to return to study after a significant absence but lack the formal qualifications for university entry. To provide members of the University's equity target groups access to university.

The UniSA College UniStart program will be a pathway to a range of undergraduate degrees.

Students will study 18 units in this 6-month program which will consist of three (3) core courses and one (1) elective option from a range of disciplines to support students to develop discipline-specific learning. Students will complete with foundational knowledge and skills to enable further academic studies

Content & Structure

Students study up to 18 units, via courses that will develop foundational disciplinary knowledge as well as literacy skills, study skills, communication skills, numeracy skills and research skills.

Pathway programs are designed to provide academic literacy and numeracy skills, and foundational disciplinary knowledge to enable them to confidently commence their Bachelor studies. The disciplinary courses reflect study areas relevant to a wide range of degrees including health science, social science, education, humanities, business, arts, creative studies and STEM.

With successful completion the UniSA College UniStart program will lead to the following undergraduate programs*:

Bachelor of Communication and Media
Bachelor of Construction Management
Bachelor of Contemporary Art
Bachelor of Creative Industries
Bachelor of Design (Graphic and Communication Design)
Bachelor of Design (Illustration and Animation)
Bachelor of Design (Illustration and Animation) (TAFESA Diploma program in Game Art)
Bachelor of Design (Product Design)
Bachelor of Digital Business
Bachelor of Early Childhood (B-5)
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Flexible Entry)
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Film and Television
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology (Games and Entertainment Design)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking and Cybersecurity)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development)
Bachelor of Interior Architecture
Bachelor of Journalism and Professional Writing
Bachelor of Journalism and Professional Writing, Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing and Literature)
Bachelor of Marketing and Communication
Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Leadership
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills)
Bachelor of Psychology (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills), Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services (Mount Gambier))
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services (Whyalla))
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services)
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services), Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services), Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Social Work (Mount Gambier)
Bachelor of Social Work (Whyalla)
Bachelor of Visual Effects
Diploma of Business
Diploma of Creative Studies
Diploma in Creative Studies (Architecture)
Diploma in Creative Studies (Art and Design)
Diploma in Creative Studies (Communication)
Diploma in Creative Studies (Screen)
Diploma in Education Studies
Diploma in Education Studies (Secondary)
Diploma in Health
Diploma in Health (Allied Health and Human Performance)
Diploma in Health (Biomedical Science)
Diploma in Health (Sport)
Diploma in Social Science
Diploma in Social Science (Law)
Diploma in Social Science (Psychology)
Diploma in Social Science (Social Work)
Diploma in STEM
Diploma in STEM (Construction)
Diploma in STEM (Engineering)
Diploma in STEM (Information Technology)
Diploma in STEM (Science and Environment)

UniSA Online Programs
Students may also progress to a range of UniSA Online programs should they wish to switch to a 100% online study mode. A list of these programs is available and can be viewed in Activity 137654 due to PCMS character limitations in this section.
*Undergraduate program prerequisites must be met to obtain admission to these programs.

What courses you'll study

Course name Area and cat no. Units Reference  
Foundations of Academic Literacy EDUC 1118 4.5
Numeracy and Problem Solving MATH 1085 4.5
Critical Thinking: Media and Academia LANG 1068 4.5
Complete a discipline-based course elective

Program Director