UniSA students participating in the Community Service Learning Project are invited to engage with Catalyst Foundation - an inclusive, independent and charitable organisation seeking to improve the lives of all South Australians in the areas of Ageing, Disability, Lifestyle, Employment, Business and Learning.
Be Connected is an Australian government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians. Be Connected aims to empower everyone to use the internet and everyday technology to thrive in our digital world. Catalyst Foundation is a Network Capacity Builder.
On the first Tuesday of every month, our wonderful trainers and volunteers offer a series of wide-ranging short classes of various topics for up to 2 hours each. Students will have the opportunity to participate one or more digital literacy activities which are aimed at seniors and people with disabilities. Students will also have the opportunity to become and digital mentor.
Be Connected Digital Mentoring - Part of Digital Mentor role is to inspire and support people to gain digital skills. Upon successful completion of the training and delivery of digital support services to the community, students will receive a Certificate of Completion of their Be Connected Digital Mentoring training at Catalyst Foundation.
Health Digital Mentor: Helps people to learn how technology and the internet can be used to manage or improve their health and wellbeing.