Professional placement can be a particularly challenging activity for students with disabilities or those with other health or injury problems. Every reasonable effort is made to adapt the learning experiences and/or assessment requirements of placements to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities.

Students with a disability or injury that may impact on their participation in professional placement are encouraged to discuss their needs, preferably well before the placement commencing, with a UniSA Disability Adviser or your Program Director if you wish. The objectives of such discussions are to:

  • Clarify the nature and impact of the disability or health issue within the placement setting
  • Consider the potential problems that might be encountered within the placement setting. These are not always apparent in the first instance, and a discussion may highlight some unexpected issues
  • Develop a plan of action that will best support the student and support a positive relationship with the host organisation and/or academic staff.

Students with a disability are eligible to apply for pre-allocation special consideration. The Pre-Allocation Request Form must be submitted at least 12 weeks prior to placement (see the Clinical Placement Policy).


Confidentiality regarding a student's disability is assured both by the University and under the Australian Government Disability and Discrimination Act 1992. Under this legislation, students can discuss issues with a disability officer and this information need not be passed on to the placement venue without the student's consent. It is important to note however, that considered self-disclosure of disability related issues has the potential benefit of enhanced student support and success.

Students with injuries (including short-term) are encouraged to notify appropriate staff of their injury to ensure their placement is structured and monitored appropriately. Attending to this as early as possible will assist UniSA staff to support the student and to maintain strong relationships with industry partners.