Professional, clinical and field placements in metropolitan and rural areas are a core element of many health degrees at UniSA. The learning from your placements will give you a wide range of experience to take with you into your chosen profession. The Clinical Placement Unit (CPU) provides the administrative function for students undertaking placements in health disciplines, including nursing, midwifery, allied health, pharmacy, medical and laboratory sciences; this involves:

  • Sourcing of placement opportunities through our private industry partners and Better Placed (accredited SA Health placement broker)
  • Ensuring all students have met the mandatory placement requirements of both the university and the industry partners
  • Managing the student placement systems
  • Managing conditional evidence requirements and providing placement details to students.

All students, including those living interstate, must comply with the requirements outlined in their respective discipline Student Checklist below. The CPU ensures that all students undertaking placement have insurance coverage by executing a student Affiliation Agreement with the Industry Partner. Students are not authorised to arrange placements for themselves unless expressly asked to do so. Placements are managed and allocated through the student placement system, InPlace. Students access InPlace to determine the requirements of placement, view and submit preferences, view placement allocation, determine venue requirements and check the currency of the submitted documentation. Students undertake various placement types in many health areas; this includes project work for some disciplines in which the venue provides a project for the students. Placement locations include South Australia, interstate, and rural areas are strongly encouraged.

Download your student checklist and placement grid

  • The CPU has developed student checklists to assist you with obtaining and safekeeping compulsory conditional evidence documentation. This checklist is to be used in combination with the Passport to Placement (PTP) folder.
  • Conditional evidence is required to be current for the duration of your placement, unless otherwise specified.
  • For details about how to upload and submit conditional evidence documents to the CPU, please refer to your student checklist.

Key requirements prior to undertaking placement

All students must meet the pre-placement conditional evidence requirements outlined in their student checklist to proceed to placement. If you do not meet the full requirements listed, you WILL NOT be able to proceed to placement and progress through your program may be delayed. 

Additional Information 

Clinical Placement Unit Zoom drop-in sessions for students

Zoom Drop-in sessions for students are on Mondays and Thursdays between 12.45pm - 1.15 pm and can be accessed via the button below.  

Zoom Drop-in Session

PLEASE NOTE: When you log into the Zoom session, you will be placed in a virtual waiting room until a team member is available to speak with you.

For queries outside these times, please email

Contact the CPU

To contact the Clinical Placement Unit, email or call (08) 8302 2214.

Office hours are 8:30am–4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Submit an enquiry