For High School Staff

Student Liaison Team

This enthusiastic and knowledgeable group is the student-facing team, delivering all the study and career information required to make the right decisions about your student’s future. You will likely meet the team through engagements including presentations, career evenings, campus tours or one-on-one appointments, where they will educate and support students when making decisions on their future.

Olivia Brokate
Senior Manager, Domestic Student Recruitment, Communications and Marketing
AU1-19, City West Campus
Emma Clisby
Marketing Coordinator, Student Liaison, Communications and Marketing
AU1-19, City West Campus
Hannah Holton
Marketing Officer (Student Liaison), Communications and Marketing
AU1-19, City West Campus
Tracey Watson
Marketing Officer, Communications and Marketing
MB1-15B, Whyalla Campus
Olivia Hocking
Marketing Officer (Student Liaison), Communications and Marketing
AU1-19, City West Campus
Natisha Eastman
Marketing Officer (Student Liaison), Communications and Marketing

  Student Liaison phone number: (08) 8302 7088

 Student Liaison email:

Educational Outreach Teams (STEM and Careers)

The Education Futures Outreach Team supports schools to offer STEM education programs for students and professional development for teachers. Our team of STEM experts develop, implement and deliver programs following our education model which is grounded on the idea that practices of STEM offer some powerful ways to understand and shape the world. 

Our career programs team engages with junior and senior school students to raise awareness and aspirations for higher education. Our team is prepared to not only develop critical cognitive and non-cognitive capabilities, but also allow students to determine their skills, abilities, strengths, and personality style to make informed choices about their career pathways. 

Anita Trenwith
STEM Experiences and Healthy Futures
Kim Giannoni
Outreach Access, Careers & Equity Lead
Maria Vieira
Gender Equity in STEM
Nat Scherer
STEM Experiences and Healthy Futures

For high school students and parents

Future Student Enquiries

The Future Student Enquiries Team is your go-to for all UniSA related information. Whether you’re looking for degree insights - entry requirements, fees, duration – or pathway options, no question is a silly one. This team will endeavour to answer all queries in a professional, informative and friendly manner.

  Future Student Enquiries phone number: (08) 8302 2376

  Submit an enquiry: