Computer Systems



Major, Minor, Sub-Major, Extended Major


Computer Systems (CS) is an engineering discipline founded upon computer science and electronic engineering. It concerns development of systems where both hardware and software aspects of a computer system become the focus of engineering, and together undergo an integrated system development cycle. Accordingly, the emphasis in computer systems engineering is on the system design, and the hardware/software co-design and integration aspects of computer systems development. The purpose of this stream is to provide students with an opportunity to study selected areas of computer systems engineering. The structure of this stream is intended to permit any student to follow their own interests as much as possible, however the prerequisite knowledge assumed for many courses listed within this stream will place constraints on the sequences of selected courses.


See prerequisites listed for particular courses.

Assumed Knowledge

Depends on specific requirements of the selected stream of courses. Ranges from SACE Mathematics 1 only for some minor and sub-major selections (note the limited choice of courses in this case) to SACE Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2 and Physics (or equivalent) and a strong background in Computer Science including programming for major and extended major selections.


Course Area and cat no. Units Level References
Electricity and Electronics EEET 1025 4.5 1
Principles of Computer Systems EEET 1007 4.5 1
Electrical Circuit Theory EEET 1003 4.5 1
Electronic Devices and Circuits EEET 2018 4.5 2
Signals and Systems EEET 3041 4.5 2
Computer Hardware EEET 2022 4.5 2
Digital Devices and Systems EEET 3038 4.5 3
Computer Organisation and Design EEET 3042 4.5 3
Data Communications and Networks EEET 3025 4.5 3
System Design Techniques EEET 4031 4.5 4
Advanced Internet Technology EEET 4032 4.5 4




  1. The most severe constraints result from the heavy reliance of computer systems engineering on the knowledge of computer science, including programming. Students will be expected to have the necessary computer science background to undertake a major or extended major in CSE. However, it will be possible to select a stream of topics that would constitute a minor or a sub-major without the extensive computer science background. One example of such stream would be a selection of courses related to computer hardware.
  2. A minor requires 18 units of study in the same discipline area, a sub-major 27 units, a major requires 36 units and an extended major requires 54 units. Students may take any of the courses listed, to the sum value as required. For courses later in the list, it should be noted that there are numerous prerequisite requirements and considerable care must be taken in selecting courses.
  3. Recommended but not compulsory sequences: Minor: either Engineering Physics, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Principles of Computer Systems, Electrical Circuit Theory or Engineering Communication and Innovation, Systems Engineering Management N, Systems Engineering 1, Systems Engineering 2. Major: Engineering Physics, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Principles of Computer Systems, Electrical Circuit Theory, Engineering Communication and Innovation, Systems Engineering Management N, Systems Engineering 1, Systems Engineering 2.