Electronic and Communications



Major, Minor, Sub-Major, Extended Major


Engineering concerns the development of systems and methods so that socially or economically worthwhile goals are achieved. Engineering includes both the analysis and synthesis of technology and other matters necessary to successfully complete projects. This stream provides students with an appreciation of the technical and administrative aspects of electronic systems engineering. This stream is intended to be flexible to permit students to follow their own interests as much as possible.



Assumed Knowledge

SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Studies, Physics, or equivalent is the assumed knowledge for the extended major and the major. There is no assumed knowledge for the minor and sub-major.


Course Area and cat no. Units Level References
Mechanics and Physics EEET 1024 4.5 1
Electricity and Electronics EEET 1025 4.5 1
Principles of Computer Systems EEET 1007 4.5 1
Electrical Circuit Theory EEET 1003 4.5 1
Electronic Devices and Circuits EEET 2018 4.5 2
Physics of Materials and Technology PHYS 2002 4.5 2
Electronic Analogue Circuits EEET 2017 4.5 2
Signals and Systems EEET 3041 4.5 2
Computer Hardware EEET 2022 4.5 3
Digital Devices and Systems EEET 3038 4.5 3
Microengineering Technology EEET 4061 4.5 4




  1. The order of courses in the list above shall not constrain the order that any student may attempt courses, subject to satisfying pre- and co-requisites. Courses have formal prerequisites. Students with equivalent background and knowledge should consult the stream coordinator to discuss recognition of such background.
  2. A minor requires 18 units of study in the same discipline area, a sub-major 27 units, a major requires 36 units and an extended major requires 54 units. Students may take any of the courses listed, to the sum value as required. For courses later in the list, it should be noted that there are numerous prerequisite requirements and considerable care must be taken in selecting courses.
  3. Recommended but not compulsory sequences Minor: either Electrical Circuit Theory, Principles of Computer Systems, Electronic Devices and Circuits, and Electronic Analogue Circuits; or
  4. Minor: Mechanics and Physics, IT Physics, Electronic Devices and Circuits, and Microengineering Technology.
  5. Major: Mechanics and Physics, Electrical and Energy Systems, Principles of Computer Systems, Electrical Circuit Theory, electronic Devices and Circuits and Electronic Analogue Circuits.