Start Date

1 year(s) full-time


Program Code

Study as
Full-time or part-time


Assumed Knowledge

Entry Scores
2025 Guaranteed Entry
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2024 Cut-Offs
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Degree overview

  • Great start to university life, preparing you for further studies in the discipline you’re interested in, with the added bonus of being fee-free1.
  • Open to all people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
  • Taught in five locations – Metropolitan Adelaide (City West campus), Ceduna, Mount Gambier, Port Lincoln and Whyalla.
  • Designed for people who don’t meet entry requirements for their desired degree, including school leavers without an ATAR
  • Satisfies eligibility requirements for Centrelink benefits to assist you while studying.
  • Receive support from enrolment through to program completion with enrolment help sessions, mentoring, small class sizes and access to peer-assisted study sessions.

1You will not be charged course fees, but you may have to pay Student Amenities Fees as determined by the Australian Government.


296x202_whatyoulllearnapp_1.pngThe Aboriginal Pathway program is a free1, one and a half year program to prepare Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students for university study. It is open to all people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and can lead to entry into a university degree at UniSA.

It is taught at five locations: Metropolitan Adelaide (City West campus), Ceduna, Mount Gambier, Port Lincoln and Whyalla. You will study on campus for the intensive sessions. While studying on campus, you will have face-to-face teaching and support. When you successfully complete this program, you can use your competitive grade point average (GPA) to apply for any UniSA degree.

1 You will not be charged course fees, but you may have to pay Student Amenities Fees as determined by the Australian Government.

What you'll learn

296x202_whatyoulllearnapp_3.pngYou’ll build your academic and professional skills throughout the program, including:

  • communication skills
  • academic writing
  • literacy
  • information and communications technology
  • mathematics
  • Aboriginal culture
  • land management.

Degree structure

Course name Area and cat no. Units Reference  
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Land Management (OC) ENVT 1018 4.5
Building Academic Success (OC) EDUC 1094 4.5
Applied Computer Practices (OC) COMP 1042 4.5
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Communication for Academic Purposes (OC) COMM 1069 4.5
Aboriginal Knowledges, Narratives and Experiences (OC) HUMS 1056 4.5
University Studies (OC) EDUC 1093 4.5
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Learning Mathematics at University MATH 1082 4.5
Critical Thinking: Media and Academia LANG 1068 4.5
Elective 4.5 Rule(s): 2

Study hours

Your study schedule will be divided into the time you spend attending classes and watching lectures as well as independent study, including your personal research and assignment work. Generally, full-time study is equivalent to 40 hours per week.

The Aboriginal Pathway program has a combination of 8-week and 13-week courses. The 8-week courses have an intensive delivery of classes one day a week between 9:00am–5:00pm. The 13-week courses follow the standard university schedule of a weekly one-hour lecture and a two-hour tutorial.


296x202_assessmentapp.pngYour assessments may include:

  • research papers
  • assignments
  • group assignments
  • reflective journals
  • presentations
  • continuous assessment
  • in-class participation and attendance, including a Land Management excursion

Global opportunities

Enrich your studies and your life – make overseas study part of your qualification. You may have the option to undertake an exchange, short-term program or study tour overseas while you study. We have links with universities worldwide, as well as a range of travel grants available to make going overseas much more accessible.

You can choose short-term or semester-long study from a range of universities and countries depending on your area of study and cultural interests.

Take a look at the global opportunities available.

Global opportunities

Why Aboriginal Pathway

Why this Degree

Our programs prepare you for university study by building your academic and professional skills. You will experience life as a UniSA student, and have access to the full range of support services that the University provides. By successfully completing the Aboriginal Pathway program you will have the opportunity to transfer into a UniSA undergraduate degree.

Online study

296x202_whatyoulllearnapp.pngWith interactive online course materials and a 24/7 digital environment, you can also:

  • access your lectures online, plus study and course resources
  • submit your assignments and get feedback
  • use forums and discussion boards for team work and communication.

Pathways into university study in Mount Gambier

UniSA Video

Thinking of studying soon?


Ready to start your studies in 2025? You can apply to the University of Adelaide or UniSA now before continuing on to the new Adelaide University in 2026.

When the time comes to transfer, we’ll be here at every step, ensuring you’re well supported with personalised advice and a detailed study plan.



Planning to start your studies in 2026? You can apply to Adelaide University directly.

Applications are currently open for international students and will open for Australian students in August 2025.

Have any questions? We're here to help! Contact Adelaide University's Future Student Enquiries Team. 

How to apply

To apply to study the Aboriginal Pathway program, go to the top of this page and click Apply. You will be directed to our online application portal.


Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more.

More scholarships

Your study experience and support

Our campuses have advanced facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops, laboratories, and areas that simulate real work environments. The Aboriginal Pathway program incorporates both face-to-face classes and online engagement. You’ll discover that your journey at UniSA is also about social experiences, healthy living and getting involved. If you are attending a campus, there are campus sport activities to keep you active, and if you’re keen to explore the social side of university life, there may be movie screenings, cooking demonstrations, parties and more. Depending on your campus, you may also find student gyms, pools, tech zones and chill-out spaces. Check with your Campus Central to see what is available in your region.

Student services

Student services

You will have full access to our student support services to help you settle in to university life before you begin studying a bachelor degree. We want you to be successful, and if you need help you’ll have it. We provide a full range of support services, including: 

  • academic counselling
  • personal counselling
  • Wirringka Student Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
  • access and inclusion services
  • social support services, including family support and nearby childcare
  • library services
  • common rooms
  • prayer rooms
  • security officers
  • wellbeing resources and advice
  • scholarship opportunities
  • accommodation
  • community health clinics
  • services offered through our student association, USASA.

24/7 digital environment

Our learnonline facilities include a personal learning environment with virtual classrooms, lecture recordings, emails, learning support, administration, library access and results. The environment is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can tailor your learning to your life. We are continually investing in innovative digital technologies for a high-quality student learning experience.

Student services

Your campus

We have six campuses in metropolitan and regional areas, each with modern facilities including lecture theatres, libraries and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments.

Location This degree is delivered at the following campus.

Your program director

I am passionate about teaching, empowerment, and social justice. It is a privilege to help students follow their goals and guide them in becoming stronger communicators, critical thinkers, and enthusiastic lifelong learners. My research is focussed on enabling education, social sciences, popular culture, and youth culture. 

Dr Nazz Oldham

Program Director

Portrait image for Dr Nazz Oldham
Portrait image for Dr Nazz Oldham

Dr Nazz Oldham

Program Director


Ask UniSA

  • How do I apply? minus-thick plus-thick

    The way you apply for UniSA will depend on the undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree you're interested in studying.

    The majority of applications are made via the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Check out more information on the SATAC website and follow the appropriate process for your degree of interest.

    There are a small number of degrees that you need to apply for through direct application processes. The process you need to follow will be listed on the 'How to Apply' section of the degree homepage, but you'll also be taken to where you need to go if you hit the 'apply' button.

    If you are interested in studying one of our 100% online degrees you'll need to apply directly to UniSA Online.

    You can find more information about the application processes for UniSA on our How to Apply webpage.

    If you're more interested in applying for a postgraduate degree by research, check out and follow the information in our step by step guide to applying

  • Is there a closing date for applications? minus-thick plus-thick

    Applications for all degrees will close ahead of study commencing, but the timelines may vary for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.


    The deadline to apply to study a degree at UniSA for semester one (commencing late February) and be guaranteed equal consideration is generally in very late November or early December. While you may be able to apply after this date, you are not guaranteed to be considered equally with other applicants and your application may not be assessed in time for the main round of offers. More competitive degrees may not make any offers after the main offer round. Find more information on the Key Dates section of the SATAC website, but you can also call the Future Student Enquiries team for more information on 08 8302 376.


    Many postgraduate by coursework degrees do not have set closing dates. The exceptions are highly competitive degrees, so it is best to check – either on the degree homepage on the SATAC website or by checking with our Future Student Enquiries team.

    As most postgraduate applications are assessed as they are submitted and offers are continuous, there are no set closing dates for applications. Degrees can be filled and closed with little notice so it is best to apply as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a place. For more information, please contact our Future Student Enquires team on (08) 8302 2376 or submit an enquiry.

  • What credit can I receive for previous studies? minus-thick plus-thick

    You may be eligible for credit or advanced standing for your chosen UniSA degree based on your previous studies, if they are in a related area and completed within a certain timeframe. Receiving credit or RPL will reduce the number of courses you undertake within the degree, and may also reduce the overall duration of your degree. You can read more about our pre-existing credit agreements through our online Credit Assessor. If you have related industry experience, you may also be eligible to receive recognised prior learning (RPL) for this experience. Credit and RPL is assessed by the Program Director once you've received an offer, and you apply through UniSA's current student experts, Campus Central. 

  • Can I speak to someone regarding my study options? minus-thick plus-thick

    Future Student Enquiries welcomes the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your study options at UniSA. We can discuss degree information, entry requirements and pathways, applications, general career outcomes and student life, so you have the information to make the best study decision for your future. Head to our Book an Appointment webpage to find a date and time to speak with us, and take your next steps on journey to university study.

More FAQs

What others are saying

The Aboriginal Pathway is probably the best designed program for myself, being a mum. The support services have been amazing and probably what got me through. They believed in me and made realise, ‘You can do this!’

Hayley Sumner

Aboriginal Pathway


Hayley Sumner

Aboriginal Pathway