Master of Medical Sonography
Degree Level Postgraduate
You're considered an Australian student if you are any of the following:
Degree Level Postgraduate
Start Date
City East
1.5 year(s) full-time
Program Code
Study as
Part-time only
$AU 27,900 per 1.0 EFTSL for students enrolled in 2020
the following pre-requsite courses successfully completed within the last 10 years from a recognised higher education institution:
Applicants who hold a recognised bachelor's degree must complete Section A of the additional information form to confirm the Human Anatomy, Human Physiology and Pathology (or Pathophysiology) content. Applicants who hold a recognised bachelor's degree with no clinical placements embedded in the program must also complete Section B of the form, providing evidence of 300 hours of clinical experience in a patient care environment as described in the form. The form can be found at:
Note: Applicants are advised that this program requires the completion of 2200 hours of supervised ultrasound scanning experience. Applicants are responsible for organising their own training position in an ultrasound department in order to acquire this scanning experience across the first eight courses of the program.
*4.5 units is equivalent to 12.5% of a full year load.
This program is offered on a part-time basis over a minimum of 3 years, and is offered only by external delivery, with the exception of the final Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).