
AERO 3014


Course Level


Offered Externally


Course ID


Unit Value


University-wide elective course

Course owner

Course owner
School of Engineering

Course aim

To develop the student’s theoretical knowledge of major aircraft systems in jet transport aircraft, and their understanding of the practical application of this knowledge in actual aircraft operations.

Course content

Aircraft Systems including: Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS); Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems (EGPWS); Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS); Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS); Radar and Secondary Surveillance Radar.
Flight Management Systems including: Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS); Inertial Navigation System (INS); Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B); Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
Automatic Flight Control including: Autopilot; Flight Director; Auto-Throttle, Flight Protection Envelope and Associated Auto-systems.
Recording Systems including: Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR); Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR); Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA).

Additionally, reference to the importance of these systems in providing data for a Safety Management System [SMS] and accident investigation will be provided.


Brown Prior Anderson 2000, Avionics & Flight Management Systems for the Air Transport Pilot. , Aviation Theory Centre, Burwood, Victoria, Australia


Common to all relevant programs
Subject Area & Catalogue Number Course Name
AERO 2050 Aircraft Engines: Systems 2



Teaching method

Component Duration
Lecture 3 hours x 13 weeks
Tutorial 1 hour x 13 weeks

Note: These components may or may not be scheduled in every study period. Please refer to the timetable for further details.


Case study, Essay, Test


EFTSL*: 0.125
Commonwealth Supported program (Band 2)
To determine the fee for this course as part of a Commonwealth Supported program, go to:
How to determine your Commonwealth Supported course fee. (Opens new window)

Fee-paying program for domestic and international students
International students and students undertaking this course as part of a postgraduate fee paying program must refer to the relevant program home page to determine the cost for undertaking this course.

Non-award enrolment
Non-award tuition fees are set by the university. To determine the cost of this course, go to:
How to determine the relevant non award tuition fee. (Opens new window)

Not all courses are available on all of the above bases, and students must check to ensure that they are permitted to enrol in a particular course.

* Equivalent Full Time Study Load. Please note: all EFTSL values are published and calculated at ten decimal places. Values are displayed to three decimal places for ease of interpretation.

Course Coordinators

Mr Arie Korf
Mr Arie Korf arrow-small-right

Degrees this course is offered in

Checking your eligibility