Bachelor of Contemporary Art
Degree Level Undergraduate
Year 2025
You're considered an Australian student if you are any of the following:
Degree Level Undergraduate
Year 2025
Entry Scores
2025 Guaranteed Entry
Year 12 (ATAR-based): 65.00
Year 12 (Grades-based): B,B,C
View Guaranteed Entry Info
2024 Cut-Offs
Year 12 (ATAR-based):
- Internal: 65.00
View full entry requirements
The admission criteria have been grouped to assist you to easily find the information most relevant to your circumstances. However, you may fit into more than one and the university will consider applicants against each of the relevant criteria.
Certain conditions apply. For more information refer to Appendix 4 of the University's Selection and Entry policy.
Applicants are required to meet one of the following criteria with a competitive result, and demonstrate that they fulfil any prerequisite requirements and essential requirements for admission:
Recent secondary education
Meet any prerequisite requirements with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent
Applicants who have not achieved the Selection Rank required for automatic selection may be selected for any remaining places based on the grades of their year 12 subjects.
Higher education study
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Work and life experience
Contemporary since 1861. With its origins in the South Australian School of Art, the Bachelor of Contemporary Art is the product of a long history of innovative programs dedicated to the education and training of emerging artists, designers, and arts workers. UniSA is ranked #1 in South Australia for Learning Resources in Creative Arts1 and also holds the top rank in the state for Art and Design Facilities2.
As a student in the Bachelor of Contemporary Art, you will:
UniSA is an unstoppable university for unstoppable people. As one of the World’s Top Young Universities4, we’ll ensure you get the experience your future profession demands so it’ll feel like you’re studying one minute and in a career the next.
You also have the option of applying for the Bachelor of Contemporary Art/Master of Teaching (Secondary) packaged option for a pathway straight into secondary teaching.
1ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Learning Resources Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.
2ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Creative Arts – Learning Resources Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.
3Results in Studies in Creative Arts and Writing - 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
4UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #43, 2024 THE Young University Rankings.
Contemporary artists use a wide variety of mediums and art forms to bring their ideas to life. As a student of the Bachelor of Contemporary Art, you can develop skills in your chosen studio areas while continuing to explore. Hands-on teaching and learning is a focus of the degree but this is accompanied by studies in art history and theory, and courses in how to grow your career and make connections in the local art scene and beyond.
Throughout your degree, you can select from a range of studio areas including:
A separate one-year Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) program is available to students who complete this degree with a credit or higher Grade Point Average (GPA). Other selection criteria may apply.
If you want qualifications as an art teacher, you can apply for the combined Bachelor of Contemporary Art/Master of Teaching (Secondary) degree - it's a pathway straight into a career as a secondary school art teacher. If this interests you, please read How Do I Become a Teacher before selecting your courses.
If you would like to apply directly into the Bachelor of Contemporary Art/Master of Teaching (Secondary) package option, please apply via SATAC using 424811.
Bring your creative ideas to life in dedicated studios and workshops, build a portfolio, and learn how to present your work in galleries and public spaces. Throughout your studies you will acquire the advanced technical, creative and critical thinking skills necessary for successful contemporary art practice.
In your first year you will be introduced to all studio areas and inducted into the safe use of workshops, materials, and equipment. Alongside this you will take courses in drawing, creative thinking, experimental media, and art history and theory. From your second year you can start to focus on your areas of particular interest or keep exploring via a wide range of electives. In your final year, you will work towards the completion of major artworks for presentation in the annual end-of-year graduate exhibition.
You will also have the opportunity to go on a study tour, take up a residency with an industry partner, or embark on a semester of study abroad, all as part of your Contemporary Art degree.
You can gain an extra qualification and broaden your career prospects by completing a Diploma in Languages.
UniSA's Bachelor of Contemporary Art is South Australia’s most comprehensive undergraduate contemporary art qualification, with the most extensive range of studio areas, all located at the vibrant City West campus in the heart of Adelaide city’s art, culture and entertainment hub.
With access to dedicated studios, workshops, and gallery spaces, including the SASA Gallery, MOD. and Samstag Museum of Art, you will learn first-hand how to turn your creative ideas into reality.
Studio-based courses are supported by face-to-face tutorials and seminars, while a selection of online courses offer flexibility to allow you to fit study in with other work and life commitments.
Hear from UniSA graduate and artist Lucy Zola about her experience studying Contemporary Art at UniSA and how it has helped her reach her career goals.
Yusuf won the annual Helpmann Academy British School at Rome Residency, valued at $25,000.
The British School at Rome Residency (BSR) was an opportunity to reflect on what I had been doing and how I might take that forward on returning to Australia. My interest lay initially in Islamic geometric tile patterns such as the Cosmatesque tiles in Rome and other parts of Southern Italy. The live-in studio space at the BSR ensured that my creative practice was at the forefront of my thoughts.
After my Honours, I was awarded a scholarship for postgraduate research at UniSA and have started my PhD. The time to step away and reflect on my research interests, motivation and the intended outcomes has been invaluable.
Image credits: Mashrabiya by Yusuf Ali Hayat
Yusuf Ali Hayat
Bachelor of Visual Arts *now Bachelor of Contemporary Art
Bachelor of Contemporary Art graduates are not only creative problem solvers, but they also ask new questions. They are motivated, independent, resourceful, and able to apply their learning in a wide range of professional contexts, including museums and galleries, councils, theatres, festivals and community organisations.
The job prospects for contemporary artists in Australia are strong1 and the practical, creative, and analytical skills developed in the Bachelor of Contemporary Art are immediately transferable to other areas of the arts and cultural industries, and beyond. Careers for graduates of the Bachelor of Contemporary Art include:
*To qualify as a secondary school art teacher, you can apply for the combined Bachelor of Contemporary Art/Master of Teaching (Secondary) degree - it's a pathway straight into a secondary teaching career. If this interests you, please read How Do I Become a Teacher before selecting your courses.
1Australian Government, National Skills Commission, Job Outlook 2020
To apply:
* There are two SATAC codes – one for the Bachelor of Contemporary Art, and one for Contemporary Art packaged with the Master of Teaching. You can apply to study the Bachelor of Contemporary Art on its own and decide later to add the Master of Teaching to your qualifications. However, if you already know you want to be an art teacher, you can apply for the packaged degree from the start.
There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:
There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:
see the full list of entry pathways that may apply
This degree is available for deferment. This option is made available by responding to your offer during the application process via the SATAC website. Applicants who receive an offer into a midyear degree are eligible to defer for six months.
Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more.
$5,000 scholarship for South Australian students with an ATAR of 99 who enrol to study a UniSA undergraduate degree.
Up to $10,000 per annum (full time) for South Australian students who obtain an ATAR of 99.95 or IB equivalent and enrol to study at UniSA.
Our campuses are home to fantastic facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments. But you’ll also discover that your journey at UniSA is about social experiences, healthy living and getting involved. You’ll find student sports and fitness facilities, community clinics, tech zones and chill-out spaces. There are campus sport activities to keep you active, and if you are keen to explore the social side of university life, there are movies, cooking demonstrations, parties and loads more.
Adelaide also has a variety of accommodation options to suit different requirements and budgets. Options include dedicated student accommodation and private rentals. See our long-term accommodation pages, or explore our student accommodation by Scape on Bank Street in Adelaide’s lively cultural precinct, an ideal location for students. It is within easy reach of UniSA’s city and metropolitan campuses, Rundle Mall shopping, the Central Market, Chinatown, and the West End’s vibrant nightlife. It is also across the road from the Adelaide train station, and on bus and tram routes.
UniSA’s City West campus is located at the heart of Adelaide’s vibrant art, culture and entertainment precinct. As a Contemporary Art student, you will have extended access to:
Stephen Atkinson is Program Director of the Bachelor of Contemporary Art at UniSA Creative, lecturer in art theory and history, and studio instructor in printmaking. He also facilitates projects on sound art and the creative possibilities of everyday life and materials. As an educator, Stephen is committed to the wider personal and social benefits of art education, and the creative and critical thinking outcomes of learning through making.
"While the Bachelor of Contemporary Art is focused on fostering curiosity and teaching how to make and conceptualise artworks, these processes also open up other ways of thinking that are transferable across all areas of life and work. Most tertiary programs assist students to develop problem solving skills, but art education emphasises the importance of asking new questions to conceive the world differently and reimagine our place in it."
The way you apply for UniSA will depend on the undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree you're interested in studying.
The majority of applications are made via the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Check out more information on the SATAC website and follow the appropriate process for your degree of interest.
There are a small number of degrees that you need to apply for through direct application processes. The process you need to follow will be listed on the 'How to Apply' section of the degree homepage, but you'll also be taken to where you need to go if you hit the 'apply' button.
If you are interested in studying one of our 100% online degrees you'll need to apply directly to UniSA Online.
You can find more information about the application processes for UniSA on our How to Apply webpage.
If you're more interested in applying for a postgraduate degree by research, check out and follow the information in our step by step guide to applying.
Applications for all degrees will close ahead of study commencing, but the timelines may vary for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
The deadline to apply to study a degree at UniSA for semester one (commencing late February) and be guaranteed equal consideration is generally in very late November or early December. While you may be able to apply after this date, you are not guaranteed to be considered equally with other applicants and your application may not be assessed in time for the main round of offers. More competitive degrees may not make any offers after the main offer round. Find more information on the Key Dates section of the SATAC website, but you can also call the Future Student Enquiries team for more information on 08 8302 376.
Many postgraduate by coursework degrees do not have set closing dates. The exceptions are highly competitive degrees, so it is best to check – either on the degree homepage on the SATAC website or by checking with our Future Student Enquiries team.
As most postgraduate applications are assessed as they are submitted and offers are continuous, there are no set closing dates for applications. Degrees can be filled and closed with little notice so it is best to apply as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a place. For more information, please contact our Future Student Enquires team on (08) 8302 2376 or submit an enquiry.
You may be eligible for credit or advanced standing for your chosen UniSA degree based on your previous studies, if they are in a related area and completed within a certain timeframe. Receiving credit or RPL will reduce the number of courses you undertake within the degree, and may also reduce the overall duration of your degree. You can read more about our pre-existing credit agreements through our online Credit Assessor. If you have related industry experience, you may also be eligible to receive recognised prior learning (RPL) for this experience. Credit and RPL is assessed by the Program Director once you've received an offer, and you apply through UniSA's current student experts, Campus Central.
Future Student Enquiries welcomes the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your study options at UniSA. We can discuss degree information, entry requirements and pathways, applications, general career outcomes and student life, so you have the information to make the best study decision for your future. Head to our Book an Appointment webpage to find a date and time to speak with us, and take your next steps on journey to university study.
Curious about studying Contemporary Art? Hear from Ella-Maude who studied the Bachelor of Contemporary Art at UniSA.
Alice Hu, Bachelor of Contemporary Art
Georgia Bailey, Bachelor of Contemporary Art
Anna Crafter, Bachelor of Contemporary Art