Bachelor of Environmental Science
Degree Level Undergraduate
Year 2025
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Degree Level Undergraduate
Year 2025
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AUD$ 39,400 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2025
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1ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Agriculture and Environmental Studies – Overall Quality of Educational Experience Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.
2ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Agriculture and Environmental Studies – Skills Development Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.
3ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Agriculture and Environmental Studies – Teaching Quality Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.
4The only university in SA to have all its assessed Environmental Sciences research rated well-above world standard. 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
If you have genuine concern for the environment and a commitment to sustainability, a degree in Environmental Science is the first step toward launching your career.
In this degree you will address today’s scientific issues and explore how humans interact with the environment, how we can manage it sustainably, and how we can better influence positive attitudes to bring about a better future for all.
With a focus on hands-on field work in the natural environment, you will develop a solid foundation across environmental science including biology, ecology, earth and soil science, conservation, environmental chemistry, and human dimensions research. Field work ranges from exploring the campus and sites around Adelaide, to Kangaroo Island, the Coorong, the Flinders Ranges or even Fiji.
On-campus teaching for this program is based at the Mawson Lakes campus. Only 20 minutes from the city centre with easy parking. The Mawson Lakes campus is also accessible by bus and train with the Mawson Lakes train station only a short walk.
Your learning will cover biology, ecology, geography, earth and soil science, water and coasts, pollution monitoring, conservation, ecotourism and sustainability. To develop strong skills in an area that interests you, you can select from a range of environmental electives in second and third year to tailor your degree, whilst still maintaining a broad, comprehensive training in environmental sciences.
Across our courses we provide you with cutting-edge techniques and technology to help you learn how to monitor and manage environments, along with tools to process and evaluate this data to critically assess its meaning. For example, through Project LIVE (Learning through Integrated Virtual Environments) you might examine aerial imagery of erosion patterns along the South Australian coastline and ancient landforms in central Australia, or infra-red surveys of vegetation health in Barossa Valley vineyards or perhaps satellite monitoring of ice sheet stability in Antarctica. This imagery will give you hands on experience in data creation and manipulation and help you become familiar with the latest digital imaging, mapping and virtual reality techniques. In other courses you’ll learn how to plan for and monitor mine site contamination or pollution in waterways, or survey plant and animal biodiversity on land or in the sea, as well as many other environmental monitoring scenarios. You’ll learn how to statistically analyse, map and communicate your findings, and to engage and work with communities to bring about necessary change.
Bringing about real change in the way society interacts with the environment requires a good understanding of the science behind the environmental challenges we face, but also the ability to encourage community participation and coordinate community activities to help meet those challenges.
Your studies will develop in-depth knowledge of biological, ecological, earth and soil sciences. You will master the fundamental skills of web-based mapping, and develop your problem-solving skills on the many field trips offered throughout the degree. Just as importantly, you will study human dimensions research (how people interact with the environment) and develop skills in science communication and community engagement. We actively encourage our students to do work experience during their studies and in your third year you will complete a 9 unit capstone course working with industry or a government management agency to apply what you have learned across your degree. Throughout your studies you will have opportunities to develop professional connections and participate in field studies interstate and internationally.
This degree has a highly supportive learning environment, with dedicated, internationally experienced staff. Our world-class facilities at Mawson Lakes offer an exciting environment for collaborative learning, innovation, sustainability and excellence – using cutting edge science and technology in both our teaching and research. Our friendly staff are committed to the environment and to helping you become an environmental scientist who can make a difference.
With two more years of full time study (or 1.5 years with accelerated mode), you could use this degree to become a secondary school science teacher. Or you could consider an additional, research-focused (Honours) year to get a head start on your research career.
Employment prospects for environmental scientists are expected to increase by 7.7% percent by November 20251.
Careers to consider:
1 Australian Government Occupation Projections 2020
How to apply for international students will give you helpful information about the application process at the University of South Australia. When you are ready, apply through our International Application System. If you would like to talk to someone near you about studying at the University of South Australia, we have agents all over the world who can assist you. Find an Education Agent in your country.
There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:
There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:
As a UniSA student, you will have unique access to work placement opportunities, overseas study tours and exchanges, networking events, internships, guest speakers and more.
Our campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments. These are all supported by the latest technologies and a 24/7 online learning platform. We have health services on campus, gymnasiums, technology zones and great student lounges. You will also gain access to a range of community clinics, which provide professional and cost effective services in areas of health, business, law and psychology. There are campus sport activities to keep you active, and if you are keen to explore the social side of university life, there are movies, cooking demonstrations, parties and lots more.
Adelaide also has a variety of accommodation options to suit different requirements and budgets. Options include dedicated student accommodation and private rentals. See our long-term accommodation pages, or explore our student accommodation by Scape on Bank Street in Adelaide’s lively cultural precinct, an ideal location for students. It is within easy reach of UniSA’s city and metropolitan campuses, Rundle Mall shopping, the Central Market, Chinatown, and the West End’s vibrant nightlife. It is also across the road from the Adelaide train station, and on bus and tram routes.
You will be both indoors and outdoors as you study Environmental Science at UniSA. Indoors, you’ll have laboratory classes, workshops, tutorials and computing sessions in our dedicated facilities on Mawson Lakes campus. Outdoors, the campus itself is a living laboratory with waterways and wetlands, which you’ll learn how to monitor and map. Across your degree you’ll get out into the field in many of your courses - around Adelaide, across the state and further afield.
You will also be exposed to virtual environments through Project LIVE: a purpose built facility that will help you immerse yourself in different environments without leaving the campus. From this facility you’ll have access to 3D drone photogrammetry, gigapixel photography, 360-degree panoramic photos and videos, and virtual reality headsets to analyse imagery and data relevant to your studies in environmental and/or geospatial sciences.