Master of Education
Degree Level Postgraduate
You're considered an International student if you are:
Degree Level Postgraduate
Start date
1 year(s) full-time
Program Code
AUD$ 22,500 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2015
International Admission by Country
See full entry requirements
No further intake from 2015 - continuing students only. Prospective students please refer to our new Master of Education program code MMEL.
Three schedules are available to students: Coursework with Applied Research, Coursework with Minor Thesis, and International Student (Onshore) with Applied Research. The first schedule is designed for Australian students who do not intend to progress to doctoral studies from this program. The second schedule is designed for Australian students who intend to progress to doctoral studies from this program. The third schedule is specifically designed for international students studying onshore and completing specialisations in TESOL, Digital Technologies, or Educational Leadership and Management.
Coursework with Applied Research Schedule
This schedule is designed for external students studying online in part-time mode. Students may choose to study online in full-time mode. A total of 36 units is required to complete the program. Students studying this schedule may choose to specialise in a particular area by choosing four courses (18 units) in one specialisation from those listed on the schedule. This will allow graduation with a Master of Education with a specialisation on their parchment.
Alternatively students may choose not to specialise in a particular area by choosing any courses from the program schedule, in which case they will graduate with a Master of Education without a specialisation on their parchment.
Moreover, the program can be taken as coursework only or by a combination of coursework and an 18 unit research strand made up of 9 units of research methodology courses and 9 units of a research project.
Coursework with Minor Thesis Schedule
This schedule is designed for external students studying online in part-time or full-time mode with the intention of progressing to doctoral studies. It comprises three specialisation courses, a research design course and a minor thesis consisting of 18 units. The specialisation courses must be taken in one specialisation from those listed in the program schedule; the minor thesis will focus on a specific issue within that specialisation, and students will graduate with a specialisation on the parchment. The minor thesis will be externally examined and will assist students with an application for PhD or EdD studies.
Those who decide not to progress to the minor thesis after 18 units of study may do a further 18 units of study from any of the courses in the applied research schedule to complete the Master of Education degree. In this case 18 units of coursework is required in one specialisation to graduate with that specialisation on the parchment.
International Student (Onshore) with Applied Research Schedule
This schedule is designed for on-campus international students studying full-time over one year. Only three specialisations are available to on-campus international students: TESOL, Digital Technologies, and Educational Leadership and Management. Students must undertake 18 units of specialisation coursework and 18 units of research courses. Students will graduate with a specialisation on the parchment. This schedule only applies to on-campus international students.
International students can enrol in the program offshore in online mode and choose from the first or second schedule below to graduate with a specialisation on the parchment, or coursework without a specialisation. Note, offshore international students are not restricted to the TESOL, Digital Technologies, and Education Leadership and Management specialisations.
Specialisation Coordinators:
Educational Leadership and Management – Mohan Chinnappan
Early Childhood Leadership – Victoria Whitington/Kaye Colmer
Digital Technologies - Alan Barnes
Languages Education - Angela Scarino
Literacy and Language Education - Sue Nichols
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) - Zheng Lin
Applied Research courses - Greg Restall
Research Design and Minor Thesis courses – Michele Simons