Detailed entry requirements

On Application

Teaching Capabilities Statement

All students commencing an initial teacher education program in Australia are required to meet both academic (ATAR, STAT or GPA) and non-academic entry requirements. 

The Teaching Capabilities Statement is the non-academic entry requirement and is to be submitted as part of your application (See ‘How do I submit the statement?’ below). It is a 400-600 word submission that helps us understand your suitability to study and work in the teaching profession. It should cover the below dot points: 

  • Explain what you think teaching involves
  • Outline the personal and academic qualities you possess that will enable you to become an effective teacher
  • Describe your attitude to learning and provide an example of something you have learned that was meaningful.

 When submitting the statement, you should: 

  • Consider each dot point as important and address each one separately.
  • Provide evidence where possible for a statement. For example, if you want to say that you have strong resilience and deal with challenges happily, then give examples of this, such as "my resilience is demonstrated by the fact that during year 12 I was sick for a month with glandular fever and…"
  • Remember that evidence may be relevant to more than one dot point – it is acceptable to include the same examples in addressing more than one of the dot points
  • Keep to the word limit of between 400-600 words.
  • It is up to you how you write your statement. However, writing in the first person best supports your ability to share your personal perspective (for example, “I believe that teaching is…”). Avoid a reporting or resumé style so you can focus on presenting your personal qualities.

Students applying through SATAC: We recommend you draft a response to the questions in Microsoft Word prior to submitting your SATAC application. You will be required to copy and paste into a text box in the online system.  

 Please note once you submit your statement you cannot make any changes or edits. Your submission is final.  

View Teaching Capabilities Statement FAQs

Learning Area Requirements for Master of Teaching Programs 

Learning Area Requirements must form part of the applicants' prior undergraduate degree. 

Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) and Master of Teaching (Primary)  

The learning area forms the basis of the Primary specialisation required within the Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) and Master of Teaching (Primary) degrees according to the requirements of the Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programs in Australia (2015). 

Applicants must have completed:

  • A Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution with a competitive GPA, noting that admission is competitive and based on academic merit. 
  • Additionally, within their Bachelor degree or equivalent, applicants will need to have completed a total of one year, full-time equivalent study that has direct relationship to one or more Learning Areas that align with the Australian Curriculum primary school curriculum. A minimum of half a year of that study will need to have been focused on only one Learning Area. 

Indicative learning area studies are listed below: 

  • Art: Visual Arts, Dance, Performing Arts, Music, Media Arts.  
  • English: English Language, English as an Additional Language or Dialect, Literature, Literacy.  
  • Mathematics: Numeracy, Number, Measurement, Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. 
  • Science:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Sciences. 
  • Languages: Languages Other Than English.  
  • Humanities and Social Sciences: Economics and Business, Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship.  
  • Health and Physical Education: game sport analysis and pedagogy, fitness and lifestyle, outdoor education, principles teaching and coaching, health education, dance education. 
  • Technologies: Food and Textiles, Design and Technology, Digital Technologies. 

Master of Teaching (Secondary)  

Applicants must have completed:

  • A Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution with a competitive GPA, noting that admission is competitive and based on academic merit; and
  • a major and preferably a minor (not essential) in the Learning Area in which they intend to specialise, aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

The Discipline Specific Learning Areas aligned to the Australian Curriculum include: 

  • Arts Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to Arts Education. These include dance, drama, media arts, music, and visual arts. Applicants for Arts Education may qualify with a major and a minor in different Arts areas or a minor in a different approved learning area.
  • English Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to English Education. Studies must include English language, literacy and literature (including, but not limited to, poetry, prose, dramatic literatures, children’s literature, postcolonial literatures, diaspora, and literary theory). Applicants will normally have completed a major in English and a minor in a different approved learning area.
  • Health and Physical Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to Health and Physical Education, such as Human Movement. Applicants will normally have completed a major in Health and Physical Education and a minor in a different approved learning area. A completed degree in Sport & Recreation Management or Exercise and Sport Science or equivalent will not be considered for entry.
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to Humanities and Social Sciences. Studies could include Geography, History, Civics & Citizenship, Economics and Business. Applicants will normally have completed a major in Humanities and Social Sciences and a minor in a different approved learning area.
  • Languages Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major learning area relevant to Languages Education. These include Languages Other Than English. Applicants will have completed a major in Languages and a minor in a different approved discipline-specific learning area aligned to the Australian Curriculum.
  • Mathematics Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to Mathematics Education. Studies must include algebra and geometry and may include statistics and probability. Applicants will normally have completed a major in Mathematics and a minor in a different approved learning area.
  • Science Education Learning Area: Applicants must have completed studies in a major relevant to Science Education. Studies must include Biology, Chemistry or Physics and may also include Earth & Environmental Sciences. Applicants for Science Education may qualify with a major and minor in different Science areas or a minor in a different approved learning area.

Once enrolled in the program

Placement requirements for all UniSA Teaching programs

In the lead-up to each professional experience placement you’ll need to ensure that a number of important pre-requisites and requirements are completed or satisfied. It is your important professional responsibility to ensure that these are completed prior to your first placement. A full list of these requirements can be found on the Professional experience placements in education page. 

Working with children clearances 

To ensure the safety of children and young people in education and care settings, it is a requirement that all adults working in education and care sites have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) from the Department of Human Services (DHS). 

South Australia has strong, effective and transparent screening laws for people working or volunteering with children. Prior to your current Child Related Employment Screening (CRES) expiring, you will need to apply for a WWCC. 

Please note: 

  1. The Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) is now called Department of Human Services (DHS).
  2. A Police Check from SA Police (SAPOL) is different to the CRES from DCSI or WWCC from DHS.

Your Working with Children Check (WWCC) must be completed prior to being eligible for placement and can take up to 6 weeks to be processed. Strict confidentiality is maintained during the screening process. The University has no influence over the timeline or outcome of the screening application as the screening process is undertaken by DHS. 

Mandatory child-safe environments training  

All education students enrolled in programs at UniSA and who are completing any in-school or site (i.e. preschools and childcare settings) observations, activities or professional experience placements, must undertake mandatory training in Responding to Abuse and Neglect prior to the commencement of the activities or placements. 

In South Australia child protection legislation and policy require all organisations to establish and promote child safe environments. Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect training is required of all individuals working with children and young people. 

Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) 

All Education students to meet the required standard in the national Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) prior to graduation. 

Students will undertake the national literacy and numeracy tests during the first year of their program. Students will be required to meet the standard of each test as a prerequisite for their final Professional Experience Placement course. 

The University will provide a range of supports for students who do not achieve the required standard in either the literacy or numeracy or both tests. Students will be allowed three attempts at each test. Any student who fails to meet the standard on three occasions in either the literacy or numeracy test will usually be counselled to transfer to an alternative program. 

First Aid  

Preservice Teachers enrolled in the Early Childhood strand must complete Basic Emergency Life Support (via Department for Education) or Applied First Aid before commencing the following courses: 

  • EDUC 1044 Professional Experience 1: Birth—Three Years (Undergraduate)
  • EDUC 5186 Professional Experience and Reflection 1: Introduction to Early Childhood Educators' Practices (Postgraduate)

It is your responsibility to register for training at any Registered Training Organisation that facilitates First Aid Training. 

First Aid Training Adelaide CBD also offer Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) First Aid training every day of the week. Register online at theirwebsite

You will need to provide evidence that you have completed the training prior undertaking your placements.

Adelaide University Pathways 2026

AU_Stacked_Reversed-Final_RGB-2.pngThe University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia are combining their strengths to create a new university for the future, Adelaide University, opening in January 2026.

Planning to start your pathway studies in 2026? Please apply for an Adelaide University pathway program.

Have any questions? We're here to help! Contact Adelaide University's Future Student Enquiries Team. 

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