Teaching Capabilities Statement FAQs

What is the Teaching Capabilities Statement? 

All students commencing an initial teacher education program in Australia are required to meet both academic (ATAR, STAT or GPA) and non-academic entry requirements. 

The Teaching Capabilities Statement is the non-academic entry requirement and is to be submitted as part of your application (See ‘How do I submit the statement?’ below). It is a 400-600 word submission that helps us understand your suitability to study and work in the teaching profession. It should cover the below dot points: 

  • Explain what you think teaching involves
  • Outline the personal and academic qualities you possess that will enable you to become an effective teacher
  • Describe your attitude to learning and provide an example of something you have learned that was meaningful.

 When submitting the statement, you should: 

  • Consider each dot point as important and address each one separately.
  • Provide evidence where possible for a statement. For example, if you want to say that you have strong resilience and deal with challenges happily, then give examples of this, such as "my resilience is demonstrated by the fact that during year 12 I was sick for a month with glandular fever and…"
  • Remember that evidence may be relevant to more than one dot point – it is acceptable to include the same examples in addressing more than one of the dot points
  • Keep to the word limit of between 400-600 words.
  • It is up to you how you write your statement. However, writing in the first person best supports your ability to share your personal perspective (for example, “I believe that teaching is…”). Avoid a reporting or resumé style so you can focus on presenting your personal qualities.

Why am I required to submit a Teaching Capabilities Statement? 

The Teaching Capabilities Statement is used to assess a teaching applicant’s suitability for study and work in the teaching profession.  

Submitting a Teaching Capabilities Statement complies with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) national initial teaching education program standards. It helps us graduate the highest quality teachers, who possess the personal qualities and commitment, to make a positive impact on young people’s lives. 

What is the word limit? What happens if I exceed the word limit? 

The word limit is 600 words. If you exceed 600 words, only the first 600 words will be assessed. 

Is there an example of a written statement available? 

We want your response to be individual and unique to you. So, there isn’t an example on offer. 

Do I need to submit the statement if I am submitting a postgraduate application for a Master of Teaching program? 

Yes, non-academic entry requirements apply to all initial teacher education programs (undergraduate and postgraduate) in Australia.  

Can I re-submit another statement after I have uploaded one already? 

Unfortunately, you can only submit one statement. Re-submissions are not accepted.  

How do I submit the statement?

SATAC applicants (Domestic students and international Year 12 students): You must submit your Teaching Capabilities Statement as part of your SATAC application (as seen below).  We recommend you draft your statement in Microsoft Word prior to submitting your SATAC application. You will be required to copy and paste the statement into a text box in the online system. 

Teaching capability statement image

UniSA International applicants (all international students, except those completing SA Matriculation (SACE)):  Your Teaching Capabilities Statement must be uploaded with your application when you apply through UniSA's online International Applicant System.

UniSA Pathway & Internal applicants:  Attach your Teaching Capabilities Statement (as a word document) and email with the subject line: ‘Education Statement’, your UniSA ID and family name; send to: SAS-Magill@unisa.edu.au

UniSA College Students: Please upload your statement with your ‘Application to Change Program’ online form. Alternatively, please send to UniSACollegeTransitions@unisa.edu.au

Please note once you submit your statement you cannot make any changes or edits. Your submission is final.  

When does this need to be submitted? 

Your Teaching Capabilities Statement needs to be submitted as early as possible, preferably at the time of lodging your application. Your application will not be considered until you have submitted your statement.  

SATAC applicants can check SATAC’s website for further information on key dates and deadlines.

More information for:

  • person-male SATAC Applicants minus-thin plus-thin

    SATAC Applicants

    Is the statement more important than my ATAR or other academic entry requirement?

    Both are of equal importance to your application. You are required to meet both criteria to be considered for a place in an initial teacher education program with UniSA. 

    What if I achieve the guaranteed entry ATAR but don’t submit the statement? 

    If you don’t submit your statement, your application will be deemed incomplete, and you will not be considered for a place at UniSA. 

    If I have already submitted my SATAC application, can I still submit the statement? 

    Yes, you can still submit the statement, as long as it’s before the application deadline. Please revisit your SATAC application and upload your statement. 

    Is it possible to meet the ATAR or other academic entry requirement but be denied an offer based on my statement? 

    Yes. The statement either meets the criteria or it does not. 

    If I get an offer and want to defer, will I have to submit another statement? 

    Yes, you will not need to submit another statement upon commencing your studies with us. 

    Should I still submit the statement if Education is one of my lower preferences? 

    Yes, you are still required to submit a statement even if it’s lower on your preference list if you would like to be considered for a place. 

    Will I receive any confirmation that my statement has uploaded? 

    You will receive an alert to say your application has been uploaded successfully.

  • person-global-globe International Student Applicants minus-thin plus-thin

    International Applicants

    Should I still submit the Teaching Capabilities Statement as part of my application? 

    Yes, you are required to submit a statement at the time of application. 

  • person-postgraduate Master of Teaching Package Applicants minus-thin plus-thin

    Master of Teaching Package Applicants

    If I’m applying for a Master of Teaching packaged program (i.e. Bachelor of Science / Master of Teaching) do I need to submit the teaching capabilities statement with my initial application? 

    SATAC Applicants (domestic) - No, you do not need to submit a statement as part of your initial application. However, prior to completion of your undergraduate degree, UniSA will contact you to advise the non-academic entry requirements that you will need to submit prior to commencing the Master of Teaching.

    International Applicants (Maple Leaf) - Yes, If you are applying for the Maple Leaf teaching pathway package (i.e. Bachelor of Mathematics (Data Science) / Master of Teaching (Secondary)), you must submit the Teaching Capabilities statement as part of your initial application.

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