Start Date

1.5 year(s) full-time

Program Code

4CM049 (External)

Study as
Part-time only

Degree overview

  • Broaden your career opportunities by extending your knowledge, practical skills and understanding of ultrasound imaging health trends.
  • Join the only university in Australia to offer a full suite of accredited postgraduate sonography degrees.
  • Learn from award-winning teachers at a university with above world-class research in clinical sciences.1
  • Suitable for qualified sonographers, health science, medical radiation and other allied health professionals employed in an appropriate practice.
  • Focus on areas such as fetal echocardiography, obstetrics, advanced musculoskeletal sonography, management and ethics, or research.
  • Get practical experience from 2,200 hours of ultrasound scanning experience and associated clinical examinations.
  • Apply for registration with the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) as an accredited medical sonographer upon completion of the program.
  • Join the No.1 university in South Australia for graduate careers.2
  • UniSA is an unstoppable university for unstoppable people. As one of the World’s Top Young Universities,3 we’ll ensure you get the experience your future profession demands so it’ll feel like you’re studying one minute and in a career the next.

12018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA). 2ComparED (QILT) Graduate Outcomes Survey 2021-23– Full-time Employment Indicator (Domestic Undergraduate). SA public universities. 3Ranked #43, 2024 THE Young University Rankings.


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In three years of part-time, online study, you can attain a master's degree in medical sonography, with the opportunity to learn advanced clinical skills, or pursue research.

General sonographers require highly developed technical skills with a strong understanding of physics, anatomy and pathology for the examination of body parts such as internal organs, blood vessels, musculoskeletal systems, reproductive organs and pregnancies.

We also offer master qualifications in other specialisations, including:

What you'll need

Applicants who are not accredited medical sonographers registered with ASAR are responsible for organising a letter of support confirming their own training position in an ultrasound department, in order to meet entry requirements.

What you'll learn

What you Learn

Through a combination of theory and practice, you’ll gain advanced technical skills and a strong understanding of health science, physics, anatomy and pathology.

You’ll acquire:

  • advanced knowledge in a specialist area of medical sonography
  • critical thinking and analytical skills for effective practice as a medical sonographer
  • foundational research knowledge

You can choose to study areas of your interest, including fetal echocardiography, obstetrics, advanced musculoskeletal sonography, advanced vascular sonography, management and ethics, or research.

You’ll also complete 2,200 hours of supervised ultrasound scanning experience (verified by an ASAR accredited sonographer or equivalent).

Degree structure

Course name Area and cat no. Units Reference  
LEVEL 1 Note(s): 2
Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation RADY 5030 4.5 Rule(s): 2,3
Professional Issues for Sonographers RADY 5024 4.5 Rule(s): 3
Abdominal Sonography RADY 5013 4.5 Rule(s): 3
Superficial Parts Sonography RADY 5015 4.5 Rule(s): 3
Obstetric and Gynaecologic Sonography RADY 5014 4.5 Rule(s): 4,6,9
Vascular Sonography RADY 5016 4.5 Rule(s): 4,6,9
Musculoskeletal Sonography RADY 5029 4.5 Rule(s): 4,6,9
Clinical Sonography Portfolio RADY 5026 4.5 Rule(s): 4,5,7,9,11
LEVEL 3 Rule(s): 1
Research Design and Development HLTH 6014 4.5
Allied Health Research Evidence Translation REHB 5118 4.5
Plus 13.5 Units of electives chosen from the following:
Fetal Echocardiography RADY 5027 4.5 Rule(s): 8
Advanced Musculoskeletal Sonography RADY 5025 4.5 Rule(s): 8
Advanced Vascular Sonography RADY 5034 4.5 Rule(s): 8
Health Ethics HLTH 5002 4.5
Research for Advancing Nursing, Midwifery and Health Care NURS 5153 9
Breast Sonography RADY 5002 4.5 Rule(s): 10
Managing Employee Performance and Rewards BUSS 5398 4.5
Advanced Obstetric and Gynaecologic Sonography RADY 5031 4.5 Rule(s): 8
Qualitative Design for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Research NURS 5151 4.5
Quantitative Design for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Research NURS 5152 4.5
People, Leadership and Performance BUSS 5114 4.5
Fundamentals of Data Analytics for Business INFS 5130 4.5
Talent Acquisition and Development BUSS 5351 4.5
Leading and Managing Organisational Change BUSS 5065 4.5
Project Management for Business BUSS 5139 4.5

Study hours

For each course you study, you will need to allocate time for various classes such as lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars and practicals. Plus you will need additional hours to study in your own time to complete assignments, readings and projects, as well as to contribute to online discussion forums. So as a general rule, if you are studying full-time you would need to allocate 12–26 hours of study when at university and 14–28 hours of independent study per week.

Global opportunities

Enrich your studies and your life – make overseas study part of your qualification. You may have the option to undertake an exchange, short-term program or study tour overseas while you study. We have links with universities worldwide, as well as a range of travel grants available to make going overseas much more accessible.

You can choose short-term or semester-long study from a range of universities and countries depending on your area of study and cultural interests.

Take a look at the global opportunities available.

Global opportunities

Why Master of Medical Sonography (General)

Why this Degree

This degree is the only one of its kind in South Australia, and UniSA is the only university in Australia to offer a full suite of accredited postgraduate sonography degrees including cardiac, general, and vascular specialisations.

We have a well-established history of teaching sonography and are recognised both nationally and internationally for our sonography specialisations. Practical learning is a major focus, with students embarking on 2,200 hours of ultrasound training and associated clinical placements. 

As Australia’s University of Enterprise, UniSA has become a renowned centre of innovation in the sectors driving Australia's future forward, including health. In the most recent Excellence in Research for Australia evaluation (2018), 100% of our assessed research in public health and health services was rated at world-class or above.

Real-world connections

Learn from world-class researchers and experienced medical sonography professionals via UniSA’s online collaborative environment. These important virtual classes also offer the opportunity to build important industry networks and relationships.

During your studies you’ll complete 2,200 hours of ultrasound scanning experience and clinical examinations, supervised by practicing clinicians.

Online study

Online study

Part, or all, of this degree can be studied online. This means that you can:

  • study online, including accessing videos and course resources
  • participate in an interactive online learning environment
  • submit your assignments and get feedback online
  • use discussion forums for team work and communication

With interactive online course materials and a 24/7 learning environment, you can organise your study to suit your lifestyle. 

Please note that for some degrees, some on-campus attendance (such as to attend seminars, workshops or examinations) and/or placements may apply. Any applicable requirements will be detailed on individual course pages.

Career outcomes

Your career

The field of medical sonography is always evolving with technological advancements, and strong future demand is predicted due to Australia’s national shortage of sonographers.1

Sonographers require highly developed technical and interpersonal skills, as well as a strong understanding of health science, physics, anatomy and pathology. As a graduate, you can find work as an accredited medical sonographer in metropolitan, rural and remote locations across:

  • hospitals
  • private practices
  • tertiary education providers

Medical sonographers perform a broad range of tasks and duties, including:

  • explaining procedures to patients, answering questions and ensuring patient welfare throughout the exam
  • examining referrals from and writing reports for doctors.
  • operating equipment to ensure the interior images are clear
  • positioning patients, equipment and screens for maximum exposure and clarity
  • selecting the images needed for diagnostic purposes

1National Skills Commission, Skills Priority List 2022

Professional accreditation and recognition

This program enables graduates to apply for full professional accreditation from the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) under the General Sonography category. Evidence of scanning experience in an Australian or New Zealand clinical setting is required for such accreditation.

Thinking of studying soon?


Ready to start your studies in 2025? You can apply to the University of Adelaide or UniSA now before continuing on to the new Adelaide University in 2026.

When the time comes to transfer, we’ll be here at every step, ensuring you’re well supported with personalised advice and a detailed study plan.



Planning to start your studies in 2026? You can apply to Adelaide University directly.

Applications are currently open for international students and will open for Australian students in August 2025.

Have any questions? We're here to help! Contact Adelaide University's Future Student Enquiries Team. 

How to apply

Applying to study with us:

  • Go to the top of this page and make note of the SATAC code, then click Apply.
  • You will be redirected through to the SATAC website to continue your application.


Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more.

More scholarships

Your study experience and support

Our campuses have fantastic facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops, laboratories, tech zones, and spaces that simulate real work environments. You’ll also find student gyms and campus sport activities to keep you active. We also offer flexible study options, with online resources available for accessing lecture recordings, virtual classrooms, library resources and learning support. 

Adelaide also has a variety of accommodation options to suit different requirements and budgets. Options include dedicated student accommodation and private rentals. See our long-term accommodation pages, or explore our student accommodation by Scape on Bank Street in Adelaide’s lively cultural precinct, an ideal location for students. It is within easy reach of UniSA’s city and metropolitan campuses, Rundle Mall shopping, the Central Market, Chinatown, and the West End’s vibrant nightlife. It is also across the road from the Adelaide train station, and on bus and tram routes.

Student services

Student services

Our student services provide you with all the support you need at university. You can access a full range of support services including academic and personal counselling, career advice, social support services, as well as those through our student association, USASA. When you become a UniSA student, you can also contact Campus Central for help with anything related to your degree. They will help you with your enrolment, ID cards, fees, timetables and more.

24/7 digital environment

Our learnonline facilities include a personal learning environment with virtual classrooms, lecture recordings, emails, learning support, administration, library access and results. The environment is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can tailor your learning to your life. We are continually investing in innovative digital technologies for a high-quality student learning experience.

Student services

Your campus

We have six campuses in metropolitan and regional areas, each with modern facilities including lecture theatres, libraries and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments.

Location This degree is delivered at the following campus.

Your program director

I have over two decades of experience as a clinical cardiac sonographer, a strong research background reaching national and international groups, and expertise in advanced echocardiographic techniques. All of this informs my teaching as Program Director of the Medical Sonography suite, where I’m dedicated to ensuring our students get a quality education that prepares them for rewarding careers.

Dr Bec Perry

Program Director

Portrait image for Dr Bec Perry
Portrait image for Dr Bec Perry

Dr Bec Perry

Program Director


Ask UniSA

  • How do I apply? minus-thick plus-thick

    The way you apply for UniSA will depend on the undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree you're interested in studying.

    The majority of applications are made via the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Check out more information on the SATAC website and follow the appropriate process for your degree of interest.

    There are a small number of degrees that you need to apply for through direct application processes. The process you need to follow will be listed on the 'How to Apply' section of the degree homepage, but you'll also be taken to where you need to go if you hit the 'apply' button.

    If you are interested in studying one of our 100% online degrees you'll need to apply directly to UniSA Online.

    You can find more information about the application processes for UniSA on our How to Apply webpage.

    If you're more interested in applying for a postgraduate degree by research, check out and follow the information in our step by step guide to applying

  • Is there a closing date for applications? minus-thick plus-thick

    Applications for all degrees will close ahead of study commencing, but the timelines may vary for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.


    The deadline to apply to study a degree at UniSA for semester one (commencing late February) and be guaranteed equal consideration is generally in very late November or early December. While you may be able to apply after this date, you are not guaranteed to be considered equally with other applicants and your application may not be assessed in time for the main round of offers. More competitive degrees may not make any offers after the main offer round. Find more information on the Key Dates section of the SATAC website, but you can also call the Future Student Enquiries team for more information on 08 8302 376.


    Many postgraduate by coursework degrees do not have set closing dates. The exceptions are highly competitive degrees, so it is best to check – either on the degree homepage on the SATAC website or by checking with our Future Student Enquiries team.

    As most postgraduate applications are assessed as they are submitted and offers are continuous, there are no set closing dates for applications. Degrees can be filled and closed with little notice so it is best to apply as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a place. For more information, please contact our Future Student Enquires team on (08) 8302 2376 or submit an enquiry.

  • What credit can I receive for previous studies? minus-thick plus-thick

    You may be eligible for credit or advanced standing for your chosen UniSA degree based on your previous studies, if they are in a related area and completed within a certain timeframe. Receiving credit or RPL will reduce the number of courses you undertake within the degree, and may also reduce the overall duration of your degree. You can read more about our pre-existing credit agreements through our online Credit Assessor. If you have related industry experience, you may also be eligible to receive recognised prior learning (RPL) for this experience. Credit and RPL is assessed by the Program Director once you've received an offer, and you apply through UniSA's current student experts, Campus Central. 

  • Can I speak to someone regarding my study options? minus-thick plus-thick

    Future Student Enquiries welcomes the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your study options at UniSA. We can discuss degree information, entry requirements and pathways, applications, general career outcomes and student life, so you have the information to make the best study decision for your future. Head to our Book an Appointment webpage to find a date and time to speak with us, and take your next steps on journey to university study.

More FAQs

What others are saying

Through studying medical sonography at UniSA I developed a range of niche skills that are highly sought after by specialist doctors. For example, I'm one of only two sonographers in Adelaide who perform high level detailed scanning for endometriosis surgical planning.

Alison Deslandes

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine), Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography, Master of Medical Sonography
Royal Adelaide Hospital and Specialist Imaging Partners

Alison Deslandes.png

Alison Deslandes

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine), Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography, Master of Medical Sonography
Royal Adelaide Hospital and Specialist Imaging Partners