Graduate Certificate in Education (Islamic Education)
Degree Level Postgraduate
Year 2025
You're considered an Australian student if you are any of the following:
Degree Level Postgraduate
Year 2025
From 2024 this program is available to domestic students at a reduced fee as a Commonwealth supported program. This program is delivered fully online, and therefore is not available to students wishing to study in Australia on a student visa.
12022 QS Subject Rankings
22023 THE Subject Rankings
3Results for Specialist Studies in Education – 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA).
4UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #43, 2024 THE Young University Rankings.
This graduate certificate is for educators in Australian Islamic schools who aspire for educational distinction. Graduates of this certificate will be able to apply an advanced body of knowledge to engage in reflective practice and develop high quality professional practices for Muslim students in diverse learning environments and educational settings.
It has been designed in collaboration with our research and industry partners to provide you with the knowledge, pedagogical and practical skills to promote learning for Muslim students in diverse educational settings. If you wish to contribute to research development in Islamic education, and education more broadly, you can also use this qualification as a pathway to the Master of Education and doctoral studies.
The Graduate Certificate in Education (Islamic Education) offers professional learning aligned with contemporary educational polices, standards and practices, within the framework of an Islamic worldview.
The courses you will study relate to contemporary issues, and include themes of student well-being, educational philosophy, and managing learning environments. You will develop skills to better meet the needs, and improve the quality of education, for Muslim students.
UniSA is South Australia's largest tertiary provider for education degrees. We are the only tertiary institution in Australia to offer a postgraduate qualification that is specifically focused on Islamic education.
Islamic schools are increasing in number around the world and there are over 50 in Australia. The Graduate Certificate in Education (Islamic Education) takes a global view, so you’ll gain perspective of the Islamic worldview as it intersects with contemporary education discourse and research.
You will graduate with a relevant, respected qualification. The curriculum for this graduate certificate is informed by our world-class research1 and delves into current debates, theories and research relevant to this specialisation. Our commitment to research with an industry focus is unprecedented in South Australia.
1 Results for Specialist Studies in Education - 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
As a graduate of this qualification, you could reasonably expect to find employment in Islamic schools if you are entering this field. For those in the field of education, this qualification will strengthen your case for promotion and prepare you for educational leadership positions in Islamic schools.
If you wish to contribute to research development in Islamic education, and education more broadly, you could consider continuing into the Master of Education and doctoral studies.
Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more.
Available for students who are interested in undertaking specified activities with the aim of enhancing the overall student experience at UniSA.
Travel Grants are available to participate in our Study Overseas Programs. UniSA has agreement with over 80 institutions globally.
Our campuses have fantastic facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops, laboratories, tech zones, and spaces that simulate real work environments. You’ll also find student gyms and campus sport activities to keep you active. We also offer flexible study options, with online resources available for accessing lecture recordings, virtual classrooms, library resources and learning support.
Adelaide also has a variety of accommodation options to suit different requirements and budgets. Options include dedicated student accommodation and private rentals. See our long-term accommodation pages, or explore our student accommodation by Scape on Bank Street in Adelaide’s lively cultural precinct, an ideal location for students. It is within easy reach of UniSA’s city and metropolitan campuses, Rundle Mall shopping, the Central Market, Chinatown, and the West End’s vibrant nightlife. It is also across the road from the Adelaide train station, and on bus and tram routes.
The way you apply for UniSA will depend on the undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree you're interested in studying.
The majority of applications are made via the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC). Check out more information on the SATAC website and follow the appropriate process for your degree of interest.
There are a small number of degrees that you need to apply for through direct application processes. The process you need to follow will be listed on the 'How to Apply' section of the degree homepage, but you'll also be taken to where you need to go if you hit the 'apply' button.
If you are interested in studying one of our 100% online degrees you'll need to apply directly to UniSA Online.
You can find more information about the application processes for UniSA on our How to Apply webpage.
If you're more interested in applying for a postgraduate degree by research, check out and follow the information in our step by step guide to applying.
Applications for all degrees will close ahead of study commencing, but the timelines may vary for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
The deadline to apply to study a degree at UniSA for semester one (commencing late February) and be guaranteed equal consideration is generally in very late November or early December. While you may be able to apply after this date, you are not guaranteed to be considered equally with other applicants and your application may not be assessed in time for the main round of offers. More competitive degrees may not make any offers after the main offer round. Find more information on the Key Dates section of the SATAC website, but you can also call the Future Student Enquiries team for more information on 08 8302 376.
Many postgraduate by coursework degrees do not have set closing dates. The exceptions are highly competitive degrees, so it is best to check – either on the degree homepage on the SATAC website or by checking with our Future Student Enquiries team.
As most postgraduate applications are assessed as they are submitted and offers are continuous, there are no set closing dates for applications. Degrees can be filled and closed with little notice so it is best to apply as soon as possible to avoid missing out on a place. For more information, please contact our Future Student Enquires team on (08) 8302 2376 or submit an enquiry.
You may be eligible for credit or advanced standing for your chosen UniSA degree based on your previous studies, if they are in a related area and completed within a certain timeframe. Receiving credit or RPL will reduce the number of courses you undertake within the degree, and may also reduce the overall duration of your degree. You can read more about our pre-existing credit agreements through our online Credit Assessor. If you have related industry experience, you may also be eligible to receive recognised prior learning (RPL) for this experience. Credit and RPL is assessed by the Program Director once you've received an offer, and you apply through UniSA's current student experts, Campus Central.
Future Student Enquiries welcomes the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your study options at UniSA. We can discuss degree information, entry requirements and pathways, applications, general career outcomes and student life, so you have the information to make the best study decision for your future. Head to our Book an Appointment webpage to find a date and time to speak with us, and take your next steps on journey to university study.