Professional Certificate in Behavioural Activation for Depression
SP3 - 7th April 2025 – 13Th June 2025
Registration close 11:59 PM on 23rd March 2025
SP6 - 22nd Sept 2025 – 28Th Nov 2025
Registration to close 11:59 PM on 10 Sept 2025
12-14 hours per week
Complete certificate: $950
50% course discount for health professionals residing in MMM 2-7. Check to see if your community falls within this range.
Course overview
This online program is directed at individuals who work within healthcare environments where they may come across individuals who are at risk of mood disorders or are interested in developing skills for therapeutic relationships, assessment of mood and the practical application of Behavioural Activation. The online program prepares you to practice Behavioural Activation with people living with mild to moderate depression or describe difficulties with their mood. You will discuss the theory underpinning Behavioural Activation and the literature supporting the use of Behavioural Activation as an evidenced-based treatment for depression.
The online program has a series of recorded lectures, clinical modelling and forum tasks that will provide an opportunity to observe the application of Behavioural Activation and practice the core skills required to deliver Behavioural Activation in people living with depression.
The program is delivered online and therefore it is expected you will have sufficient computing skills to engage in online learning, word processing, and browsing the internet.
You will also require reliable access to the internet in order to access the online learning resources.
Why the Professional Certificate in Behavioural Activation for Depression?
This program was developed with international experts from Australia and the United Kingdom, and is driven by the latest literature, complimented with theory to practice demonstration and skill development.
Individual benefits
- Develop skills that will assist you to build relationships with people who are depressed.
- Understand the links between behaviour and emotion and vice versa.
- Develop assessment skills in Behavioural Activation and the screening of mood disorders.
- Develop simple but practical skills to help people to better manage their mood.
- Develop skills to schedule activities that have a positive effect upon mood.
Organisational benefits
- Practitioners who complete the online program will develop and demonstrate they have the skills and competences to provide a simple and effective evidenced based treatment for depression.
- A flexible learning environment that is 100% online, which can be accessed 24 hours a day, resulting in less disruption to day to day practice.
Course structure
The Professional Certificate in Behavioural Activation for Depression is comprised of one 4.5 unit course (a full year load is 36 units). The certificate is online, and taken over 16 weeks of part-time study.
- The course contains assessment activities to provide you with feedback on your learning.
- Knowledge will be assessed by MCQ examinations at the end of each module. Competency will be assessed by three video submissions of you practicing the core behavioural activation skills with a colleague.
- Whereas this program is online and can be accessed to fit around your schedule, assignments will have specific and defined submission dates.
How to apply
Further your career as a health professional. Study with UniSA today.
Additional information
Cancellation policy
The University of South Australia reserves the right to cancel events and issue refunds. In the event that an attendee cannot attend, a substitute is welcome to attend in their place. No refunds will be given unless 21 days notice is given in writing prior to the date of the planned event. If less than 21 days the fee can be used for the same course at a later stage, or another course of the same value.
Withdrawal policy
Students wishing to withdraw from the professional certificate must notify UniSA by the end of the third week of commencement. Find out more about our withdrawal policy here. To withdraw, please fill out the withdrawal form here.