Midyear entry, applications closing soon Apply now

Start Date

City West

3 year(s) full-time


Program Code

424181 (Internal)

Study as
Full-time or part-time

Entry Requirements
Selection Rank (Internal): 65.95 (for 2021)
Selection Rank (Guaranteed): 68.00 (for 2022)
TAFE/RTO (Guaranteed): DIP
View full entry requirements


Assumed Knowledge


To provide students with the education and skills necessary to be accountants in public practice, commerce and industry, and the public sector. It also provides a sound qualification for careers in business and management.

Content & Structure

Students undertake the UniSA Business core courses, the required courses in Accounting and appropriate electives. The program requires the completion of courses totalling 108 units.

The program includes the opportunity to study CPA subjects as electives.

Note to Students: In completing any subject identified as a "CPA subject" in this list of subjects offered by the University of South Australia, you will not qualify as a CPA. To qualify as a CPA, you must meet ALL the requirements of the CPA Program as set by CPA Australia. Visit cpaaustralia.com.au/cpaprogram

What courses you'll study

Course name Area and cat no. Units Reference  
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Quantitative Methods for Business MATH 1053 4.5
Accounting for Business ACCT 1008 4.5 Note(s): 2
Career Development in Business BUSS 1060 4.5 Note(s): 1
Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange MARK 1010 4.5 Note(s): 1
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Financial Accounting 1 ACCT 1006 4.5
Business and Society BUSS 1057 4.5 Note(s): 1
International Study Tour 4.5 Note(s): 4
Elective 4.5 Note(s): 3
Principles of Economics ECON 1008 4.5
Business Law LAWS 1018 4.5
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Financial Accounting 2 ACCT 2005 4.5
Management Accounting ACCT 2006 4.5
Business Finance BANK 2007 4.5
Business Intelligence INFS 2036 4.5
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Companies and Partnership Law COML 2005 4.5
Cost Management and Control Systems ACCT 2013 4.5
Elective 4.5 Note(s): 1,3
Management and Organisation BUSS 2068 4.5 Note(s): 1
Financial Accounting 3 ACCT 3007 4.5
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Elective 4.5 Note(s): 1,3 Rule(s): 1
Taxation Law 1 ACCT 3002 4.5
Sustainability Accounting and Reporting ACCT 3010 4.5
Elective 4.5 Note(s): 1,3 Rule(s): 1
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Auditing Theory and Practice ACCT 3005 4.5
Contemporary Issues in Accounting ACCT 3003 4.5
Strategic Financial Analysis BUSS 3083 4.5
Elective 4.5 Note(s): 1,3 Rule(s): 1

Professional accreditation and recognition

The program is accredited by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and satisfies the educational requirements for entry into the Chartered Accountants Program.

The program is accredited by CPA Australia and satisfies the educational requirements for entry into the CPA Program.

The program is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and recognised for maximum exemptions for an accelerated pathway into CIMA's professional qualification.

This program is recognised for maximum exemptions toward the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants' (ACCA) professional programs of study.

Program Director

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