Bachelor of Arts
Degree Level Undergraduate
You're considered an Australian student if you are any of the following:
Degree Level Undergraduate
Start Date
3 year(s) full-time
Program Code
424541 (Internal)
Study as
or part-time
Entry Requirements
Selection Rank (Internal): 60.95 (for 2014)
View full entry requirements
Assumed Knowledge
The admission criteria have been grouped to assist you to easily find the information most relevant to your circumstances. However, you may fit into more than one and the university will consider applicants against each of the relevant criteria.
Certain conditions apply. For more information refer to Appendix 4 of the University's Selection and Entry policy.
To be eligible for selection, applicants are required to have:
Completed the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE); and
* For Stage 2 subjects a grade of C- or better is required
No further intake from 2015 - continuing students only. Prospective students please refer to our new Bachelor of Arts, program code MBAA.
Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have a broad and coherent body of knowledge, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis for independent lifelong learning.
The program comprises a total of 108 units and may be completed in three years of full-time study or in a corresponding period of part-time study. All students take the four core courses (18 units); a free elective course selected from courses across the University (4.5 units); two majors each consisting of four required courses and four option courses (72 units); and three major elective courses chosen from the full list of major courses (13.5 units).