Midyear entry, applications closing soon Apply now

Start Date


4 year(s) full-time

Program Code

Study as
Full-time or part-time

Entry Requirements
Selection Rank (Internal): 80.05 (for 2013)
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Assumed Knowledge


The Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Arts (Writing and Creative Communication) double degree qualifies
individuals who apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge locally, nationally and globally to undertake
professional work in journalism, writing and other communication-focused fields and as a pathway for further

Content & Structure

The Bachelor of Journalism, Bachelor of Arts (Writing and Creative Communication) is equivalent to four years of full time study or 144 units. The program includes:

- An extended professional major in Journalism of 54 units, comprising 9 core courses (8 x 4.5 unit courses plus 1 x 9 unit course) plus 2 x 4.5 unit Professional Major options;

- A professional major in Writing and Creative Communication of 36 units, comprising 7 courses (6 x 4.5 unit courses plus 1 x 9 unit course);

- Four Common Core courses (4 x 4.5 unit courses - total 18 units);

- A sub-major (6 x 4.5 units -total 27 units);

- One course in Indigenous Australian Studies (4.5 units)

- A free elective (4.5 units).

The fourth year schedule shows two alternate schedules, to maximise the choice of electives available to students within the two professional majors. In particular, it reflects the fact that not all Journalism Professional Major Options/electives are offered in both main study periods.

Offering two fourth-year structures gives students greater flexibility in Option choices. As many Journalism students obtain full-time or part-time work in Journalism before the completion of their degree, and thus need to access flexible study programs (often reverting to part-time study), it is anticipated that this flexibility will also benefit these students.

What courses you'll study

Course name Area and cat no. Units Reference  
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Principles of Journalism COMM 1022 4.5 Note(s): 1
Professional and Creative Communication 1 COMM 2051 4.5 Note(s): 2,7
Ideas, Innovation and Communication COMM 1060 4.5 Note(s): 3
Common Core Option 4.5
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
News Writing COMM 1023 4.5 Note(s): 1
Free Elective 4.5 Note(s): 5
Common Core Option 4.5
Professional and Technical Writing: An Introduction COMM 1051 4.5 Note(s): 2
Language and Context COMM 2047 4.5 Note(s): 2,7
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Writing and Text Workshop COMM 1045 4.5 Note(s): 2,6
Journalism Techniques COMM 2074 4.5 Note(s): 1
Sub-major 1 4.5 Note(s): 4
Media Contexts COMM 1059 4.5 Note(s): 3
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Professional and Creative Communication 2 COMM 2052 4.5 Note(s): 2
Journalism Production COMM 2073 4.5 Note(s): 1
Journalism Ethics COMM 1021 4.5 Note(s): 1
Sub-major 2 4.5 Note(s): 4
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Media Law COMM 2026 4.5 Note(s): 1
Writing and Creative Communication Major Option 1 4.5 Note(s): 2
Sub-major 3 4.5 Note(s): 4
Communication, Culture and Indigenous Australians COMM 2060 4.5
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Writing and Creative Communication Major Option 2 4.5 Note(s): 2
Advanced News Writing COMM 3021 4.5 Note(s): 1
Sub-major 4 4.5 Note(s): 4
Journalism Major Option 1 4.5 Note(s): 1
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Journalism Professional Practice COMM 3053 9 Note(s): 1
Writing and Creative Communication Major - select one of the following 9 unit courses: Note(s): 2
Creative Writing Practice COMM 3042 9 Note(s): 2,7
Literary Texts and Practice COMM 3046 9 Note(s): 2
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Journalism Project COMM 3040 4.5 Note(s): 1
Journalism Major Option 2 4.5 Note(s): 1
Sub-major 5 4.5 Note(s): 4
Sub-major 6 4.5 Note(s): 4
First Semester (Study Period 1, 2 or 3)
Journalism Professional Practice COMM 3053 9 Note(s): 1
Sub-major 5 4.5 Note(s): 4
Sub-major 6 4.5 Note(s): 4
Second Semester (Study Period 4, 5 or 6)
Journalism Project COMM 3040 4.5 Note(s): 1
Journalism Major Option 2 4.5 Note(s): 1
 Writing and Creative Communication Major - select one of the following 9 unit courses Note(s): 2
Advanced Editing and Publishing COMM 3047 9 Note(s): 2
Writing and Professional Practice COMM 3045 9 Note(s): 2,7
COMMON CORE OPTIONS - Select 2 Note(s): 3
Effective Communication PERF 1001 4.5
Global Societies POLI 1014 4.5
Intercultural Communication LANG 1054 4.5
Introduction to Digital Media INFT 1014 4.5
Migration, Identity and Multiculturalism SOCU 1005 4.5
Advanced Print Workshop COMM 3056 4.5
Advanced Radio News COMM 2019 4.5
Advanced Television News COMM 2018 4.5
Digital Journalism COMM 2070 4.5
Notetaking for the Media COMM 1052 4.5
Sports Journalism COMM 2039 4.5
Advanced Technical Writing COMM 3037 4.5
Children's Literature: Writing for Young People LANG 3025 4.5
Creative Nonfiction COMM 2044 4.5 Note(s): 7
Desktop Publishing INFT 1007 4.5
Digital Storytelling COMM 2071 4.5
Editing and Publishing COMM 2009 4.5
Issues in Publication and Design COMM 1043 4.5
Language and Context COMM 2047 4.5
Professional and Technical Writing: An Introduction COMM 1051 4.5
Reworking the Canon COMM 2053 4.5 Note(s): 7
Scriptwriting for Live Performance COMM 2020 4.5
Scriptwriting for Media COMM 2021 4.5
Spoken Texts COMM 2055 4.5
Sport Literature and the Media SPRC 2007 4.5
The English Language: Past and Future COMM 2062 4.5
Writing and Reading Poetry COMM 2057 4.5 Note(s): 7
Writing and Reading Short Fiction COMM 2058 4.5 Note(s): 7